Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Procrastination at its finest

       I am a second year naturopathic medicine student so final exams are looming ahead and I have somewhere, somehow lost all my motivation to study. Thankfully I am heading home to spend some time with my family before I endure the weeks of multiple choice testing. How many of you have filled in those annoying little circles on Scantron sheets for days on end? I honestly begin to try to think of new ways to scribble my little pencil I colour it in clockwise today or counterclockwise? Should I diligently fill in the entire space or quickly mark just enough so the machine detects my answer? It all depends on my mood that day though I have definitely developed a specific technique I tend to fall back on, which disturbs me a little bit and indicates that I have filled in more than my fair share of multiple choice tests.
     The other thing that approaching exams does to me is drive me to bake. Nothing relieves stress like the smell of baking cookies, the warm ooze of melted chocolate chips or the curl of steam coming from the center of a warm muffin. However, I presently live in a dorm and fear the kitchen a little bit. Also, my limited space makes it more difficult to store my various gluten free flours and baking supplies. Luckily I am heading to my parents house for a few days before exams begin and I will be able to bake up a storm there. I have grand plans for cappuccino cookies, lemon loaf studded with perfect raspberries and banana muffins drizzled with dark chocolate glaze.  Baking is the perfect procrastination method because you accomplish something and create something delicious to fuel the inevitable cramming sessions. Plus my family is more willing to volunteer for various physical exams that I need to practice if I bribe them with homemade treats; acupuncture needles are much more tolerable with a good dose of chocolate.